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At a few kilometres from Maratea Borgo La Tana Hotel & Restaurant, there is others little paradises between the mountains of Appennino Lucano-Val d’Agri-Lagonegrese and Pollino Parks: the Pollino and Sirino mountains with the lakes Laudemio and Sirino, ski lifts and natural spectacular.
So, Maratea is situated at the centre of Lucan system Parks that includes the 30% of regional territory.
Sirino Lake, to 788 meters on sea level, is situated at slopes of the homonymous mountain and it allows you to enjoy a walk in pure air, climate also in hottest seasons. In the lasts years, Sirino Lake is become one of most important attractive of Lagoegrese’s summer. Here, indeed, you can admire free show of light games and dancing fountains. During the winter, instead, ice and snow cover the area and it transform the place in a fairy landscape.
Going on Sirino Mountain, you realize that this place give you emotions in every seasons. The peaks are destinations also for alpinists and excursionists. From spring to autumn is the ideal destination of outdoor tours, both with car and motorcycles, across a street that bring tourists in a quiet and pacific place. Here Laudemio Lake is the based to go to ski lifts for alpine and cross-country skiing. 5,5 kilometres of ski downhill slopes, of easy and middle difficult, add up to other 2,5 kilometres of cross-country slopes. The route is very suggestive and is adaptable to every levels and every age, because there are also courses to learn to ski.
Not only ski: on Lagonegrese area and on Pollino’s mountains is organized snowshoeing, excursions with snow rackets at feet. In the National Pollino Park, in March there is also the feature Ciaspolando verso Sud, the only competition with snow racket of South Italy.
Also Pollino’s Mountains is destination of naturalistic tourism and excursion. From these mountains you can see two seas, Tirreno and Jonio. This is the ideal place for every person that search serenity and peace immersed in Nature and distant, but not too much, from sea destinations, especially during summer.




Hotel Ristorante Borgo La Tana, 22
Contr. Castrocucco, Via dell'amicizia,
85046 Maratea (Pz) , Basilicata

Tel. (+39) 0973.871720-871770-871761
Cell (+39) 328.3365300
Email: latana@tiscali.it

latitude: 39.936395
longitude: 15.7643

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